50 to Fifty

50 days until 50. The last few days have been nostalgic and reflective, not just because of the upcoming half-century landmark. Over the past week we’ve been cleaning out our parent’s house in preparation for its sale which unearthed a multitude of photographic gems which triggered memories. The two that I have shared here are from family vacations, the black and white photo was taken in Exmouth, England in 1976 and the second in 1980 Winnipeg.

Yes, that’s me on the right. Looking at the photo, I could get all philosophical and try to explain why I have that expression on my face (which my wife swears I still wear). Maybe its just a part of growing up as the youngest of four brothers. Big brother David (soon to be surpassed in height by all of us) is holding the croquet mallet. Peter is besides me and Tony has his back to the camera. Our parents were with the other adults. The second photo is four years later. Tony and Peter have passed David in height, and I have him in my sights. What I love about this photo is how much hair I have!! Good times! 

Over the next 50 days I’ll be sharing thoughts, memories, various ramblings – and of course photographs. Why? I honestly don’t know. I suppose its my way of dealing with the landmark, or maybe it will make me appreciate my life to date. It just seemed like something to do to celebrate. Watch this space – and my other SM platforms!

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